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Great Technical Prowess.
Great Humane Qualities.
No Hubris ™

Create Exceptional Customer Experience Resulting From

How We Deliver Apart From What We Deliver

PES is a result of engineering the software product and Software Quality Assurance process for development, software quality testing, sustenance program, or any systematic software change in a big way.

Software quality assurance is a multi-dimensional process involved in ensuring the software engineering workflow, process, methods, and core critical steps are followed and monitored diligently to ensure software has underwent stringent checks, reviews, testing process and more and is fit for the customer consumption or usage and release it.


Data Storage

Storage systems will be required to reliably provide constantly growing data volumes with minimum latency.

Networked Storage

These are the data access protocols and various networking technologies for storage.The technology protocols like FC, iSCSI, NVMe-oF, file based SMB, NFS, object network storage.

Embedded & LINUX Systems

Semiconductors & Embedded Systems are the main part of the fundamental low level devices that forms the basis to drive technology at the hardware and software

Semiconductor Engineering

Semiconductors & Embedded Systems are the main part of the fundamental low level devices that forms the basis to drive technology at the hardware and software

Silarra Labs

At Silarra Labs, we strive and work deeply to understand latest cutting edge technologies, protocols in storage and allied space via Proof of Concept, developing applications etc. that are demonstrable to the customers.

This aids significantly in building high competence teams that can understand product(s) and systems in the technology space and add value to our customers in all storage technologies we work today and aspire to work tomorrow


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In-depth understanding of data storage technology and protocols.


An in-depth, detailed examination of storage space

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